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Name of the location: | Former building of elementary education - Orom |
Katastarska opština: | Orom |
Address: | Veliki put 138. |
Form filled (office): | Office of Investments and Economic Development |
Phone | 381 24 4877 442 |
E-mail | invest@kanjiza.rs |
Total territory of the plot (m2) | 771 |
Total territory of the plot of all objects (m2) | 232 |
Descrpition | The building housed an elementary school. It is near the busiest road in Veliki put street, nb. 138. One big and two small rooms can be found in it. |
Form filled (date)> | 2011-04-19 14:10:48 |
Predominant purpose of the plot: | Building |
Purpose attributed to the plot: | YES |
Electric power | YES |
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Vater | YES |
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Sewerage | YES |
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Nearby transportation lines | YES |